Testing two barcoding markers in the Antarctic Lysianassoidea (Amphipoda: Crustacea)

Acronym: Barcolys

Collaborators: Zoltán T. Nagy (JEMU), Gontran Sonet (JEMU), Patrick Martin (RBINS), Charlotte Havermans (RBINS), Claude De Broyer (RBINS)

Year: 2008

Summary: Recently, the ANDEEP (Antarctic Deep Sea Biodiversity) campaigns have explored the Antarctic deep sea basins for the first time and a large number of amphipod crustacean samples were collected for morphology and DNA studies, complementing the existing collections at the RBINS of samples originating from the Antarctic continental shelf. For this short term project, we want to test the suitability of two mitochondrial genes (COI and 16S rRNA) as barcoding markers in Antarctic lysianassid amphipods. A database of these short DNA fragments will be constructed and used for rapid and standardized identifications, contributing to the Barcode of Life. Moreover, sequencing of these two mitochondrial genes might permit us to detect potential cryptic species. Molecular data have identified cryptic species in an increasing number of circum-Antarctic taxa, which have been shown to be composed of a several species with a restricted distribution. Identifying cryptic species and their distribution can be useful to investigate the response of Southern Ocean species to global climate change.


  • Peer-reviewed paper: Genetic and Morphological Divergences in the Cosmopolitan Deep-Sea Amphipod Eurythenes gryllus Reveal a Diverse Abyss and a Bipolar Species. Havermans, C., Sonet, G., d’Udekem’d’Acoz, C., Nagy, Z.T., Martin, P., Brix, S., Riehl, T., Agrawal, S. & Held, C., Fontaneto, D. 2013. PLoS ONE 8: e74218.
  • Peer-reviewed paper: DNA barcoding reveals new insights into the diversity of Antarctic species of Orchomene sensu lato (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Lysianassoidea). Havermans, C., Nagy, Z.T., Sonet, G., De Broyer, C. & Martin, P. 2011. Deep-Sea Research Part II 58: 230-241. [IF 2010: 1.670]
  • Peer-reviewed paper: Incongruence between molecular phylogeny and morphological classification in amphipod crustaceans: A case study of Antarctic lysianassoids. Havermans, C., Nagy, Z.T., Sonet, G., De Broyer, C. & Martin, P. 2010. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 55: 202-209. [IF 2010: 3.889]
  • Printed abstract: Molecular and morphological evidence for the existence of several species with restricted range within the cosmopolite eurybathic deep-sea lysianassoid amphipod Eurythenes gryllus sensu lato. Havermans, C., Sonet, G., Nagy, Z.T., Riehl, T., Brix, S., Martin, P. & d’Udekem d’Acoz, C. 2012. In Book of abstracts of the Crustacean Society Summer Meeting 2012 and the 10th Colloquium Crustacean Decapoda Mediterranea, Athens, Greece, 03-07 Jun 2012.
  • Printed abstract: Incongruence between molecular phylogeny and morphological classification in amphipop crustaceans: a case study of Antarctic lysianassoids. Havermans, C., Nagy, Z.T., Sonet, G., De Broyer, C. & Martin, P. 2009. In European Distributed Institute of Taxonomy – EDIT, Young taxonomist Symposium, Carvoeiro, Portugal, 15-17 December 2009.
  • Printed abstract: DNA barcoding reveals both cryptic and true circumpolar species in Antarctic Lysianassoidea (Amphipoda). Havermans, C., Nagy, Z.T., Sonet, G., De Broyer, C. & Martin, P. 2008. In Book of abstracts of the 15th Benelux Congress of Zoology, Liège, Belgium and A.P.Conference, 30-31 Oct 2008.