
In review

Mitochondrial phylogenomics reveal the evolutionary, speciation and biogeographical history of fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae), Zhang Y., Li H., Feng S., Qin Y., De Meyer M., Virgilio M., Singh S., Jiang F., Kawi A.P., Susanto A., Martinez-Sañudo I., Wu J., Badji K., Fekrat L., Davaasambuu U., Li Z., Authorea.


Chromosomal inversions from an initial ecotypic divergence drive a gradual repeated radiation of Galápagos beetles, 2024, Vangestel C., Swaegers J., De Corte Z., Dekoninck W., Gharbi K., Gillespie R., Vandekerckhove M., Van Belleghem S.M., Hendrickx F., Science Advances, 10, eadk7906

DNA taxonomy reveals high species diversity among the stygobiont genus Metastenasellus (Crustacea, Isopoda) in African groundwater, 2024, Lagnika M., Kayo R.Polycarpe, Sonet G., Flot J-F., Martin P., Subterranean Biology, 48, 51-71


Agroecological farming practices against fruit flies in Central Eastern Tanzania, 2023, Bakengesa J.A., Kudra A.B., De Meyer M., Virgilio M., Mwatawala M.W., Majubwa R.O., International Journal of Tropical and Subtropical Horticulture, 78, 1-12

A checklist of the dacine fruit flies (Diptera, Tephritidae, Dacinae) of Mozambique, 2023, De Meyer M., Bota L., Daniel B., Mussumbi M., Vandenbosch M., Canhanga L., Cambula E., Mansell M., Cugala D., Virgilio M., African Entomology, 31, e15585

Cypress terpenes in sawfly larva of Susana cupressi (Hymenoptera: Symphyta: Tenthredinoidea), 2023, Boevé J.L., Sonet G., Jacobson H.R., Angeli S., The Science of Nature, 110, 13

Rediscovery, range extension, phylogenetic relationships and updated diagnosis of the Ornate Long-tailed Lizard Latastia ornata Monard, 1940 (Squamata: Lacertidae), 2023, Olivier O.S.G., Das S., Camara L.B., Chirio L., Doumbia J., d’Acoz Cd’Udekem, Dufour S., Margraf N., Sonet G., Zootaxa, 5296, 501-524

Barcoding and traditional health practitioner perspectives are informative to monitor and conserve frogs and reptiles traded for traditional medicine in urban South Africa, 2023, Phaka F.M., Netherlands E.C., Van Steenberge M., Verheyen E., Sonet G., Hugé J., Preez L.H. du, Vanhove M.P.M., Molecular Ecology Resources, Ahead of publication, 1–16

Developing the Protocol Infrastructure for DNA Sequencing Natural History Collections, 2023, Ferrari G., Esselens L., Hart M., Janssens S., Kidner C., Mascarello M., Peñalba J., Pezzini F., von Rintelen T., Sonet G., Vangestel C., Virgilio M., Hollingsworth P., Biodiversity Data Journal, 11, e102317


Tracking the origin of worked elephant ivory of a medieval chess piece from Belgium through analysis of ancient DNA, 2022, Goffette Q., Gonzalez N.Suarez, Vanmechelen R., Verheyen E., Sonet G., International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 32, 38 – 48

A masculinizing supergene underlies an exaggerated male reproductive morph in a spider, 2022, Hendrickx F., De Corte Z., Sonet G., Van Belleghem S.M., Köstlbacher S., Vangestel C., Nature Ecology & Evolution, 6, 195 – 206

Systematics of Afrotropical Eristalinae (Diptera: Syrphidae) using mitochondrial phylogenomics, 2022, Mullens N., Sonet G., Virgilio M., Goergen G., Janssens S.B., De Meyer M., Jordaens K., Systematic Entomology, 47, 315 – 328

Population genomics of introduced Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758) in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: Repeated introductions since colonial times with multiple sources, 2022, Geraerts M., Vangestel C., Artois T., Fernandes J.Manuel de, Jorissen M.W.P., Manda A.Chocha, Mizani C.Danadu, Smeets K., Snoeks J., Sonet G., Tingbao Y., Van Steenberge M., Vreven E., Wamuini S.Lunkayilak, Vanhove M.P.M., Huyse T., Molecular Ecology, 31, 3304 – 3322

DNA barcoding echinoderms from the East Coast of South Africa. The challenge to maintain DNA data connected with taxonomy, 2022, Sonet G., Smitz N., Vangestel C., Samyn Y., PLoS ONE, 17, e0270321

Large-scale and small-scale population genetic structure of the medically important gastropod species Bulinus truncatus (Gastropoda, Heterobranchia), 2022, Maes T., De Corte Z., Vangestel C., Virgilio M., Smitz N., Djuikwo-Teukeng F.F., Papadaki M.Ioanna, Huyse T., Parasites & Vectors,15, 328

Eating eggplants as a cucurbit feeder: Dietary shifts affect the gut microbiome of the melon fly Zeugodacus cucurbitae (Diptera, Tephritidae), 2022, Hendrycks W., Delatte H., Moquet L., Bourtzis K., Mullens N., De Meyer M., Backeljau T., Virgilio M., MicrobiologyOpen, 11, e1307


Exploring the use of micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) in the taxonomy of sea cucumbers: a case-study on the gravel sea cucumber Neopentadactyla mixta (Östergren, 1898) (Echinodermata, Holothuroidea, Phyllophoridae), 2021, Samyn Y., Sonet G., d’Acoz Cd’Udekem, Zookeys, 1054, 173 – 184

Is ‘everything everywhere’? Unprecedented cryptic diversity in the cosmopolitan flatworm Gyratrix hermaphroditus, 2021, Tessens B., Monnens M., Backeljau T., Jordaens K., Van Steenkiste N., Breman F.C., Smeets K., Artois T., Zoologica Scripta, 50, 837– 851

Cryptophyllium, the hidden leaf insects – descriptions of a new leaf insect genus and thirteen species from the former celebicum species group (Phasmatodea, Phylliidae), 2021, Cumming R.T., Bank S., Bresseel J., Constant J., Le Tirant S., Dong Z., Sonet G., Bradler S., ZooKeys, 1018, 1 – 179


Ancient DNA suggests modern wolves trace their origin to a late Pleistocene expansion from Beringia, 2020, Loog L., Thalmann O., Sinding M.‐H.S., Schuenemann V.J., Perri A., Germonpré M., Bocherens H., Witt K.E., Castruita J.A.Samanie, Velasco M.S., Lundstrøm I.K.C., Wales N., Sonet G., Frantz L., Schroeder H., Budd J., Jimenez E.‐L., Fedorov S., Gasparyan B., Kandel A.W., Lázničková‐Galetová M., Napierala H., Uerpmann H.‐P., Nikolskiy P.A., Pavlova E.Y., Pitulko V.V., Herzig K.‐H., Malhi R.S., Willerslev E., Hansen A.J., Dobney K., Gilbert T.P., Krause J., Larson G., Eriksson A., Manica A., Molecular Ecology, 1596 – 1610

Mitogenomic characterization and systematic placement of the Congo blind barb Caecobarbus geertsii (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae), 2020, Mullens N., Sonet G., Decru E., Virgilio M., Snoeks J., Vreven E., International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 161, 292 – 298

Comparative Microbiomics of Tephritid Frugivorous Pests (Diptera: Tephritidae) From the Field: A Tale of High Variability Across and Within Species, 2020, De Cock M., Virgilio M., Vandamme P., Bourtzis K., De Meyer M., Willems A., Frontiers in Microbiology, 11

Female need for paternal care shapes variation in extra-pair paternity in a cooperative breeder, 2020, Cousseau L., Van de Loock D., Githiru M., Vangestel C., Lens L., Behavioral Ecology, 31, 548 – 558

The introduction of the European fallow deer to the northern provinces of the Roman Empire: a multi-proxy approach to the Herstal skeleton (Belgium), 2020, Pigière F., Henrard D., Sykes N., Suarez-Gonzalez N., Sonet G., Antiquity, 94, 1501 – 1519

Lasioglossum dorchini (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Halictidae) a new species of bee from Israel, 2020, Pauly A., Levy K., Noël G., Sonet G., Boevé J.L., Mandelik Y., Belgian Journal of Entomology, 105, 1 – 24


DNA barcoding fishes from the Congo and the Lower Guinean provinces: assembling a reference library for poorly inventoried fauna, 2019, Sonet G., Snoeks J., Nagy Z.T., Vreven E., Boden G., Breman F.C., Decru E., Hanssens M., Zamba A.Ibala, Jordaens K., Mamonekene V., Musschoot T., Van Houdt J., Van Steenberge M., Wamuini S.Lunkayilak, Verheyen E., Molecular Ecology Resources, 19, 728 – 743

Genetic structure and range expansion of Zeugodacus Cucurbitae (Diptera: Tephritidae) in Africa, 2019, Delatte H., De Meyer M., Virgilio M., Bulletin of Entomological Research, 109, 713 – 722

Subfamilia Paraponerinae, 2019, Delsinne T., Sonet G., Arias-Penna T.M., in Hormigas de Colombia, Edited by Fernández F., Guerrero R.J., Delsinne T., Published by Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, D. C., Colombia, 2019, pp 1200

First mitochondrial genomes of five hoverfly species of the genus Eristalinus (Diptera: Syrphidae), 2019, Sonet G., De Smet Y., Tang M., Virgilio M., Young A.D., Skevington J.H., Mengual X., Backeljau T., Liu S., Zhou X., De Meyer M., Jordaens K., Genome, 62, 677 – 687

Integrative taxonomy resuscitates two species in the Lasioglossum villosulum complex (Kirby, 1802) (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Halictidae), 2019, Pauly A., Noël G., Sonet G., Notton D.G., Boevé J.L., European Journal of Taxonomy, 541

Phylogenetic analysis of the Baikalodrilus species flock (Annelida: Clitellata: Naididae), an endemic genus to Lake Baikal (Russia)Abstract, 2019, Martin P., Sonet G., Smitz N., Backeljau T., Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 187, 987 – 1015

Impact of Sample Preservation and Manipulation on Insect Gut Microbiome Profiling. A Test Case With Fruit Flies (Diptera, Tephritidae), 2019, De Cock M., Virgilio M., Vandamme P., Augustinos A., Bourtzis K., Willems A., De Meyer M., Frontiers in Microbiology, 10

First genomic study on Lake Tanganyika sprat Stolothrissa tanganicae: a lack of population structure calls for integrated management of this important fisheries target species, 2019, De Keyzer E.L.R., De Corte Z., Van Steenberge M., Raeymaekers J.A.M., Calboli F.C.F., Kmentová N., Mulimbwa T.N.’Sibula, Virgilio M., Vangestel C., Mulungula P.Masilya, Volckaert F.A.M., Vanhove M.P.M., BMC Evolutionary Biology, 19, 6


Relation between mitochondrial DNA hyperdiversity, mutation rate and mitochondrial genome evolution in Melarhaphe neritoides (Gastropoda: Littorinidae) and other Caenogastropoda, 2018, Fourdrilis S., Martins A.M. de Fria, Backeljau T., Scientific Reports, 8

Linking phenotype, genotype and environment to unravel genetic components underlying cold hardiness in coastal Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii var. menziesii), 2018, Vangestel C., Eckert A.J., Wegrzyn J.L., Clair B.St., Neale D.B., Tree Genetics & Genomes, 14, 10

Significant loss of mitochondrial diversity within the last century due to extinction of peripheral populations in eastern gorillas, 2018, van der Valk T., Sandoval-Castellanos E., Caillaud D., Ngobobo U., Binyinyi E., Nishuli R., Stoinski T., Gilissen E., Sonet G., Semal P., Kalthoff D.C., Dalén L., Guschanski K., Scientific Reports, 8, 6551

Using next-generation sequencing to improve DNA barcoding: lessons from a small-scale study of wild bee species (Hymenoptera, Halictidae), 2018, Sonet G., Pauly A., Nagy Z.T., Virgilio M., Jordaens K., Van Houdt J., Worms S., De Meyer M., Backeljau T., Apidologie, 49, 671 – 685

A genome-wide data assessment of the African lion (Panthera leo) population genetic structure and diversity in Tanzania, 2018, Smitz N., Jouvenet O., Ligate F.Ambwene, Crosmary W.G., Ikanda D., Chardonnet P., Fusari A., Meganck K., Gillet F., Melletti M., Michaux J.R., PLOS ONE, 13, e0205395

Evolution at two time frames: Polymorphisms from an ancient singular divergence event fuel contemporary parallel evolution, 2018, Van Belleghem S.M., Vangestel C., De Wolf K., De Corte Z., Möst M., Rastas P., De Meester L., Hendrickx F., PLOS Genetics, 14, e1007796


Locked in the icehouse: Evolution of an endemic Epimeria (Amphipoda, Crustacea) species flock on the Antarctic shelf, 2017, Verheye M.L., Backeljau T., D’Acoz C.D.’Udekem, Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 114, 14 – 33

Nuclear markers support the mitochondrial phylogeny of Vipera ursinii–renardi complex (Squamata: Viperidae) and species status for the Greek meadow viper, 2017, MIZSEI E.D.V.Á.R.D., JABLONSKI D.A.N.I.E.L., ROUSSOS S.T.E.P.H.A.N.O.S.A., DIMAKI M.A.R.I.A., IOANNIDIS Y.A.N.N.I.S., NILSON G.Ö.R.A.N., Nagy Z.T., Zootaxa, 4227, 75

The global distribution of tetrapods reveals a need for targeted reptile conservation, 2017, Roll U., Feldman A., Novosolov M., Allison A., Bauer A.M., Bernard R., Böhm M., Castro-Herrera F., Chirio L., Collen B., Colli G.R., Dabool L., Das I., Doan T.M., Grismer L.L., Hoogmoed M., Itescu Y., Kraus F., LeBreton M., Lewin A., Martins M., Maza E., Meirte D., Nagy Z.T., Nogueira Cde C., Pauwels O.S.G., Pincheira-Donoso D., Powney G.D., Sindaco R., Tallowin O.J.S., Torres-Carvajal O., Trape J.F., Vidan E., Uetz P., Wagner P., Wang Y., Orme D.L., Grenyer R., Meiri S., Nature Ecology & Evolution, 1, 1677 – 1682

Tephritid Integrative Taxonomy: Where We Are Now, with a Focus on the Resolution of Three Tropical Fruit Fly Species Complexes, 2017, Schutze M.K., Virgilio M., Norrbom A., Clarke A.R., Annual Review of Entomology, 62, 147 – 164

Oviposition of the snake Thelotgronis kirtlandii in a parabiotic ant nest, 2017, Nagy Z.T., Dekoninck W., De Block F., Yeo K., Silue K.S., Delsinne T., Salamandra, 53, 167 – 170

Finding loci associated to partial resistance to white pine blister rust in sugar pine (Pinus lambertiana Dougl.)., 2017, Vázquez-Lobo A., De La Torre A.R., Martínez-García P.J., Vangestel C., Wegzryn J.L., Calic I., Burton D., Davis D., Kinloch B., Vogler D., Neale D.B., Tree Genetics & Genomes, 13

Field Data on the Little Known and, Endangered Lepilemur Mittermeieri, 2017, Wilmet L., Schwitzer C., Beudels-Jamar R.C., Sonet G., Devillers P., Vermeulen C., Primate Conservation, 31, 17 – 25


A longitudinal genetic survey identifies temporal shifts in the population structure of Dutch house sparrows, 2016, Cousseau L., Husemann M., Foppen R., Vangestel C., Lens L., Heredity, 117, 259 – 267

Patterns of neutral and adaptive genetic diversity across the natural range of sugar pine (Pinus lambertiana Dougl.), 2016, Vangestel C., Vázquez-Lobo A., Martínez-García P.J., Calic I., Wegrzyn J.L., Neale D.B., Tree Genetics & Genomes, 12

Description of new Ceratitis species (Diptera: Tephritidae) from Africa, or how morphological and DNA data are complementary in discovering unknown species and matching sexes, 2016, De Meyer M., Mwatawala M., Copeland R.S., Virgilio M., European Journal of Taxonomy

Comparative phylogeographies of six species of hinged terrapins (Pelusios spp.) reveal discordant patterns and unexpected differentiation in the P. castaneus/P. chapini complex and P. rhodesianus, 2016, Kindler C., Moosig M., Branch W.R., Harvey J., Kehlmaier C., Nagy Z.T., Prokop H., Široký P., Fritz U., Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 117, 305 – 321

Looking beneath the tip of the iceberg: diversification of the genus Epimeria on the Antarctic shelf (Crustacea, Amphipoda), 2016, Verheye M.L., Backeljau T., d’Acoz Cd’Udekem, Polar Biology

Molecular phylogeny of Panaspis and Afroablepharus skinks (Squamata: Scincidae) in the savannas of sub-Saharan Africa, 2016, Medina M.F., Bauer A.M., Branch W.R., Schmitz A., Conradie W., Nagy Z.T., Hibbitts T.J., Ernst R., Portik D.M., Nielsen S.V., Colston T.J., Kusamba C., Behangana M., Rödel M.O., Greenbaum E., Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 100, 409 – 423

Species limits, interspecific hybridization and phylogeny in the cryptic land snail complex Pyramidula: The power of RADseq data, 2016, Razkin O., Sonet G., Breugelmans K., Madeira M.José, Gómez-Moliner B.Juan, Backeljau T., Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 101, 267 – 278

Patterns of species richness, endemism and environmental gradients of African reptiles, 2016, Lewin A., Feldman A., Bauer A.M., Belmaker J., Broadley D.G., Chirio L., Itescu Y., LeBreton M., Maza E., Meirte D., Nagy Z.T., Novosolov M., Roll U., Tallowin O., Trape J.F., Vidan E., Meiri S., Journal of Biogeography, n/a–n/a

Testing the potential of DNA barcoding in vertebrate radiations: the case of the littoral cichlids (Pisces, Perciformes, Cichlidae) from Lake Tanganyika, 2016, Breman F.C., Loix S., Jordaens K., Snoeks J., Van Steenberge M., Molecular Ecology Resources, n/a – n/a

Genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) identification and characterization in a non-model organism, the African buffalo (Syncerus caffer), using next generation sequencing, 2016, Smitz N., Van Hooft P., Heller R., Cornélis D., Chardonnet P., Kraus R., Greyling B., Crooijmans R., Groenen M., Michaux J., Mammalian Biology – Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde, 81, 595 – 603

Towards a revision of the Neotropical soldierless termites (Isoptera: Termitidae): redescription of the genus Grigiotermes Mathews and description of five new genera, 2016, Bourguignon T., Scheffrahn R.H., Nagy Z.Tamás, Sonet G., Host B., Roisin Y., Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 176, 15 – 35

Re-identification of an exotic bee introduced to the Hunter Valley region, New South Wales – Seladonia hotoni (vachal, 1903) (hymenoptera: halictidae), 2016, Batley M., Pauly A., Gollan J.R., Ashcroft M.B., Sonet G., Australian Entomologist, 43, 109 – 112

Leapfrogging into new territory: How Mascarene ridged frogs diversified across Africa and Madagascar to maintain their ecological niche, 2016, Zimkus B.M., Lawson L.P., Barej M., Barratt C.D., Channing A., Dash K.M., Dehling M., Preez L.Du, Gehring P.S., Greenbaum E., Gvoždík V., Harvey J., Kielgast J., Kusamba C., Nagy Z.T., Pabijan M., Penner J., Rödel M.O., Vences M., Lötters S., Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution


Identification of Belgian mosquito species (Diptera: Culicidae) by DNA barcoding, 2015, Versteirt V., Nagy Z.T., Roelants P., Denis L., BREMAN F.C., Damiens D., Dekoninck W., Backeljau T., Coosemans M., Van Bortel W., Molecular Ecology Resources, 15, 449 – 457

DNA analyses reveal abundant homoplasy in taxonomically important morphological characters of Eusiroidea (Crustacea, Amphipoda), 2015, Verheye M.L., Martin P., Backeljau T., D’Acoz C.D.’Udekem, Zoologica Scripta, n/a – n/a

Higher phylogeny of frugivorous flies (Diptera, Tephritidae, Dacini): Localised partition conflicts and a novel generic classification, 2015, Virgilio M., Jordaens K., Verwimp C., White I.M., De Meyer M., Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution

Molecular systematics and undescribed diversity of Madagascan scolecophidian snakes (Squamata: Serpentes), 2015, Nagy Z.T., MARION A.N.G.E.L.A.B., Glaw F., MIRALLES A.U.R.É.L.I.E.N., NOPPER J.O.A.C.H.I.M., Vences M., HEDGES B.L.A.I.R., Zootaxa, 4040, 31

Hidden biodiversity in an ancient lake: phylogenetic congruence between Lake Tanganyika tropheine cichlids and their monogenean flatworm parasites, 2015, Vanhove M.P.M., Pariselle A., Van Steenberge M., Raeymaekers J.A.M., Hablützel P.I., Gillardin C., Hellemans B., Breman F.C., Koblmüller S., Sturmbauer C., Snoeks J., Volckaert F.A.M., Huyse T., Scientific Reports, 5

Second Record and DNA Barcode of the Ant Tyrannomyrmex rex Fernández (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Myrmicinae), 2015, Jacquemin J., Sonet G., Bourguignon T., Evans T.A., Delsinne T., Sociobiology, 62, 276 – 280

The geography of snake reproductive mode: a global analysis of the evolution of snake viviparity, 2015, Feldman A., Bauer A.M., Castro-Herrera F., Chirio L., Das I., Doan T.M., Maza E., Meirte D., Nogueira Cde Campos, Nagy Z.Tamás, Torres-Carvajal O., Uetz P., Meiri S., Global Ecology and Biogeography, 24, 1433 – 1442

The mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase I gene reveals phylogeographic structure in the African Goshawk Accipiter tachiro (Accipitridae), 2015, Jordaens K., Breman F.C., Sonet G., Nagy Z.T., Louette M., Ostrich, 86, 261 – 266

Two new species of Leptanilloides Mann, 1823 (Formicidae: Dorylinae) from the Andes of southern Ecuador, 2015, Delsinne T., Sonet G., Donoso D., European Journal of Taxonomy, 143, 1 – 35

Alpine-Himalayan orogeny drove correlated morphological, molecular, and ecological diversification in the Persian dwarf snake (Squamata: Serpentes: Eirenis persicus ), 2015, Rajabizadeh M., Nagy Z.T., Adriaens D., Avci A., Masroor R., Schmidtler J., Nazarov R., Esmaeili H.Reza, Christiaens J., Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, n/a – n/a

DNA barcoding and male genital morphology reveal five new cryptic species in the West Palearctic bee Seladonia smaragdula (Vachal, 1895) (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Halictidae), 2015, Pauly A., Devalez J., Sonet G., Nagy Z.Tamás, Boevé J.L., Zootaxa, 4034, 257 – 290

Another candidate species of Pelomedusa (Testudines: Pelomedusidae) from the Democratic Republic of the Congo?, 2015, Nagy Z.T., Kielgast J., Moosig M., Vamberger M., Fritz U., Salamandra, 51, 212 – 214

DNA barcoding to improve the taxonomy of the Afrotropical hoverflies (Insecta: Diptera: Syrphidae), 2015, Jordaens K., Goergen G., Virgilio M., Backeljau T., Vokaer A., De Meyer M., PLOS ONE, 10, e0140264

An unusual juvenile coloration of the whip snake Dolichophis jugularis (Linnaeus, 1758) observed in Southwestern Anatolia, Turkey, 2015, Gocmen B., Nagy Z.T., Cicek K., Akman B., Herpetology Notes, 8, 531 – 533

A second New World hoverfly, Toxomerus floralis (Fabricius) (Diptera: Syrphidae), recorded from the Old World, with description of larval pollen-feeding ecology, 2015, Jordaens K., Goergen G., Kirk-Spriggs A.H., Vokaer A., Backeljau T., De Meyer M., Zootaxa, 4044, 567 – 576

Revision of the genus Paraphamartania Engel with description of two new species and comments on the related Nearctic genus Cophura Osten Sacken (Diptera: Asilidae), 2015, Mortelmans J., Van Den Broek R., Almeida J.M., Fidalgo P.A., Nagy Z.T., Biodiversidad Virtual news Publicaciones Científicas, 4, 83 – 102

Wing morphometrics as a possible tool for the diagnosis of the Ceratitis fasciventris, C. anonae, C. rosa complex (Diptera, Tephritidae), 2015, Van Cann J., Virgilio M., Jordaens K., De Meyer M., ZooKeys, 540, 489 – 506

An integrative approach to unravel the Ceratitis FAR (Diptera, Tephritidae) cryptic species complex: a review, 2015, De Meyer M., Delatte H., Ekesi S., Jordaens K., Kalinova B., Manrakhan A., Mwatawala M., Steck G., Van Cann J., Vancikova L., Brizova R., Virgilio M., ZooKeys, 540, 405 – 427

A review of the current knowledge on Zeugodacus cucurbitae (Coquillett) (Diptera, Tephritidae) in Africa, with a list of species included in Zeugodacus, 2015, De Meyer M., Delatte H., Mwatawala M., Quilici S., Vayssieres J.F., Virgilio M., ZooKeys, 540, 539 – 557

Niche partitioning among two Ceratitis rosa morphotypes and other Ceratitis pest species (Diptera, Tephritidae) along an altitudinal transect in Central Tanzania, 2015, Mwatawala M., Virgilio M., Joseph J., De Meyer M., ZooKeys, 540, 429 – 442

Population structure and cryptic genetic variation in the mango fruit fly, Ceratitis cosyra (Diptera, Tephritidae), 2015, Virgilio M., Delatte H., Nzogela Y.Beda, Simiand C., Quilici S., De Meyer M., Mwatawala M., ZooKeys, 540, 525 – 538

Preference of Zeugodacus cucurbitae (Coquillett) for three commercial fruit vegetable hosts in natural and semi natural conditions, 2015, Mwatawala M., Kudra A., Mkiga A., Godfrey E., Jeremiah S., Virgilio M., De Meyer M., Fruits, 70, 333 – 339

Taxonomy, Ecology, and Management of Native and Exotic Fruit Fly Species in Africa, 2015, Ekesi S., De Meyer M., Mohamed S.A., Virgilio M., Borgemeister C., Annual Review of Entomology, 61


DNA barcoding Madagascar’s amphibian fauna, 2014, BinaPerl R.G., Nagy Z.T., Sonet G., Glaw F., Wollenberg K.C., Vences M., Amphibia-Reptilia, 35, 197 – 206

Afrotropical forest-dwelling mongooses (Mammalia: Herpestidae: Crossarchus ) investigated by craniometry and mitochondrial DNA, 2014, Sonet G., Colyn M., Verheyen E., Nagy Z.T., Wendelen W., Van Rompaey H., Hulselmans J., Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research, 52, 323 – 330

Taxonomy, phylogeny and host plants of some Abia sawflies (Hymenoptera, Cimbicidae), 2014, Liston A.D., Savina H., Nagy Z.T., Sonet G., Boevé J.L., Zootaxa, 3821, 125 – 132

Aperçu des méthodes moléculaires d’identification d’insectes d’intérêt forensique, 2014, Jordaens K., Sonet G., Desmyter S., Insectes, Cadavres et Scènes de Crime: Principes et Applications de l’Entomologie Medico-Legale, 169-185

A set of multi-entry identification keys to African frugivorous flies (Diptera, Tephritidae), 2014, Virgilio M., White I., De Meyer M., ZooKeys, 428, 97 – 108


Isolation and characterisation of sixteen microsatellite markers cross-amplifying in a complex of three African agricultural pests (Ceratitis rosa, C. anonae and C. fasciventris, Diptera: Tephritidae), 2013, Delatte H., Virgilio M., Simiand C., Quilici S., De Meyer M., Conservation Genetics Resources, 5, 31 – 34

DNA barcoding and evolutionary relationships in Accipiter Brisson, 1760 (Aves, Falconiformes: Accipitridae) with a focus on African and Eurasian representatives, 2013, Breman F.C., Jordaens K., Sonet G., Nagy Z.T., Van Houdt J., Louette M., Journal of Ornithology, 154, 265-287

Cold Code: the global initiative to DNA barcode amphibians and nonavian reptiles, 2013, Murphy R.W., Crawford A.J., Bauer A.M., Che J., Donnellan S.C., Fritz U., Haddad C.F.B., Nagy Z.T., Poyarkov N.A., Vences M., Wang Wzhi, Zhang Yping, Molecular Ecology Resources, 13, 161–167

DNA barcoding and the differentiation between North American and West European Phormia regina (Diptera, Calliphoridae, Chrysomyinae), 2013, Jordaens K., Sonet G., Braet Y., De Meyer M., Backeljau T., Goovaerts F., Bourguignon L., Desmyter S., ZooKeys, 365, 149 – 174

Utility of GenBank and the Barcode of Life Data Systems (BOLD) for the identification of forensically important Diptera from Belgium and France, 2013, Sonet G., Jordaens K., Braet Y., Bourguignon L., Dupont E., Backeljau T., De Meyer M., Desmyter S., ZooKeys, 365, 307 – 328

Adhoc: an R package to calculate ad hoc distance thresholds for DNA barcoding identification, 2013, Sonet G., Jordaens K., Nagy Z.T., Breman F., De Meyer M., Backeljau T., Virgilio M., ZooKeys, 365, 329 – 336

Using DNA barcodes for assessing diversity in the family Hybotidae (Diptera, Empidoidea), 2013, Nagy Z.T., Sonet G., Mortelmans J., Vandewynkel C., Grootaert P., ZooKeys, 365, 263 – 278

Polietes lardarius (Fabricius, 1781) & Polietes meridionalis Peris & Llorente, 1963 in Belgium (Diptera : Muscidae), 2013, Martens C., Mortelmans J., Monjardez M., Menten J., Sonet G., Grootaert P., Bulletin de la Société royale belge d’Entomologie/Bulletin van de Koninklijke Belgische Vereniging voor Entomologie, 149, 222 – 232

Reliable DNA Barcoding Performance Proved for Species and Island Populations of Comoran Squamate Reptiles, 2013, Hawlitschek O., Nagy ánT., Berger J., Glaw F., PLoS ONE, 8, e73368

Genetic and Morphological Divergences in the Cosmopolitan Deep-Sea Amphipod Eurythenes gryllus Reveal a Diverse Abyss and a Bipolar Species, 2013, Havermans C., Sonet G., d’Udekem’d’Acoz C., Nagy Z.T., Martin P., Brix S., Riehl T., Agrawal S., Held C., PLoS ONE, 8, e74218

Next-Generation Museomics Disentangles One of the Largest Primate Radiations, 2013, Guschanski K., Krause J., Sawyer S., Valente L.M., Bailey S., Finstermeier K., Sabin R., Gilissen E., Sonet G., Nagy Z.T., Lenglet G., Mayer F., Savolainen V., Systematic Biology, 62, 539 – 554

Taxonomic and population genetic re-interpretation of two color morphs of the decollate snail, Rumina decollata (Mollusca, Pulmonata) in southern France, 2013, Prévot V., Jordaens K., Van Houtte N., Sonet G., Janssens K., Castilho R., Backeljau T., Genetica, 141, 281 – 292

Exploring Species Level Taxonomy and Species Delimitation Methods in the Facultatively Self-Fertilizing Land Snail Genus Rumina (Gastropoda: Pulmonata), 2013, Prévot V., Jordaens K., Sonet G., Backeljau T., PLoS ONE, 8, e60736


Cold tolerance and freeze-induced glucose accumulation in three terrestrial slugs, 2012, Slotsbo S., Hansen L.Monrad, Jordaens K., Backeljau T., Malmendal A., Nielsen N.Chr., Holmstrup M., Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology, 161, 443 – 449

Why is the molecular identification of the forensically important blowfly species Lucilia caesar and L. illustris (family Calliphoridae) so problematic?, 2012, Sonet G., Jordaens K., Braet Y., Desmyter S., Forensic Science International, 223, 153-159

Identification of forensically important Sarcophaga species (Diptera: Sarcophagidae) using the mitochondrial COI gene, 2012, Jordaens K., Sonet G., Richet R., Dupont E., Braet Y., Desmyter S., International Journal of Legal Medicine, 127, 491-504

Conference volume. Program and abstracts’ of the Third European Conference for the Barcode of Life (ECBOL3), Barcoding of organisms of policy concern, Brussels, Belgium, 17-20 September, 2012, JEMU Ed.

Analysis of tissue dependent DNA yield for optimal sampling of micro-moths in large-scale biodiversity surveys, 2012, Lopez-Vaamonde C., Breman F.C.,, Van Houdt J., De Prins J., European Journal of Entomology, 109, 1-6

High species turnover of the ant genus Solenopsis (Hymenoptera : Formicidae) along an altitudinal gradient in the Ecuadorian Andes, indicated by a combined DNA sequencing and morphological approach, 2012, Delsinne T., Sonet G., Nagy Z.T., Wauters N., Jacquemin J., Leponce M., Invertebrate Systematics, 26, 457-469

First Large-Scale DNA Barcoding Assessment of Reptiles in the Biodiversity Hotspot of Madagascar, Based on Newly Designed COI Primers, 2012, Nagy Z.T., Sonet G., Glaw F., Vences M., PLoS ONE, 7, e34506

Host Shifts from Lamiales to Brassicaceae in the Sawfly Genus Athalia, 2012, Opitz S.E.W., Boevé J.L., Nagy Z.Tamás, Sonet G., Koch F., Müller C., PLoS ONE, 7, e33649

First report of the exotic blue land planarian, Caenoplana coerulea (Platyhelminthes, Geoplanidae), on Menorca (Balearic Islands, Spain), 2012, Breugelmans K., Quintana_Cardona J., Artois T., Jordaens K., Backeljau T., ZooKeys, 199, 91

Why is the molecular identification of the forensically important blowfly species Lucilia caesar and L. illustris (family Calliphoridae) so problematic?, 2012, Sonet G., Jordaens K., Braet Y., Desmyter S., 223, 153-159

Identifying Insects with Incomplete DNA Barcode Libraries, African Fruit Flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) as a Test Case, 2012, Virgilio M., Jordaens K., Breman F.C., Backeljau T., De Meyer M., PLoS ONE, 7, e31581

Molecular Identification of Ceratitis capitata (Diptera: Tephritidae) using DNA Sequences of the COI Barcode Region, 2012, Barr N.B., Islam M.S., DE MEYER M., McPheron B.A., Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 105, 339-350

DNA Barcoding Amphibians and Reptiles, 2012, Vences M., Nagy Z.T., Sonet G., Verheyen E., DNA barcodes, 858, 79 – 107

Island Evolution and Systematic Revision of Comoran Snakes: Why and When Subspecies Still Make Sense, 2012, Hawlitschek O., Nagy Z.T., Glaw F., PLoS ONE, 7, e42970

Taxonomic Identity of the Invasive Fruit Fly Pest, Bactrocera invadens: Concordance in Morphometry and DNA Barcoding, 2012, Khamis F.M., Masiga D.K., Mohamed S.A., Salifu D., De Meyer M., Ekesi S., PLoS ONE, 7, e44862


Range extension of the Lufira Masked Weaver Ploceus ruweti, endemic to Katanga province, Democratic Republic of Congo, 2011, Craig A.J.F.K., Hasson M., Jordaens K., Breman F.C., Louette M., Ostrich, 82, 77 – 78

Molecular identification of the exotic slug Arion subfuscus sensu stricto (Gastropoda: Pulmonata) in California, with comments on the source location of introduced populations, 2011, Donnell R.J.Mc, Rugman-Jones P., Backeljau T., Breugelmans K., Jordaens K., Stouthamer R., Paine T., Gormally M., Biological Invasions, 13, 61 – 66

A quantitative comparison of frugivorous tephritids (Diptera: Tephritidae) in tropical forests and rural areas of the Democratic Republic of Congo, 2011, VIRGILIO M., Backeljau T., Emeleme R., Juakali J.L., DE MEYER M., Bulletin of Entomological Research, 101, 591 – 597

Applicability of DNA barcoding to museum specimens of birds from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, 2011, Sonet G., Breman F.C., Lenglet G., Louette M., Montanes G., Nagy Z.T., Van Houdt J., Verheyen E., Bonner Zoologische Monographien, 57, 117 – 131

The Frances’ Sparrowhawk Accipiter francesiae (Aves: Accipitridae) radiation on the Comoro islands, 2011, Louette M., Herremans M., Nagy Z.T., de Roland L.A.R., Jordaens K., Van Houdt J., Sonet G., Breman F.C., Bonner Zoologische Monographien, 57, 133 – 143

The impact of the Congo River and its tributaries on the rodent genus Praomys: speciation origin or range expansion limit?, 2011, KENNIS J.A.N., NICOLAS V.I.O.L.A.I.N.E., Hulselmans J., Katuala P.G.B., WENDELEN W.I.M., Verheyen E., Dudu A.M., LEIRS H.E.R.W.I.G., Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 163, 983 – 1002

The genetic dynamics of the rapid and recent colonization of Denmark by Arion lusitanicus (Mollusca, Pulmonata, Arionidae), 2011, Engelke S., Kömpf J., Jordaens K., Tomiuk J., Parker E.D., Genetica, 139, 709 – 721

DNA barcoding reveals new insights into the diversity of Antarctic species of Orchomene sensu lato (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Lysianassoidea), 2011, Havermans C., Nagy Z.T., Sonet G., De Broyer C., Martin P., Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 58, 230 – 241

Discrepancies between subgeneric classification and molecular phylogeny of Ceratitis (Diptera: Tephritidae), can the evolution of host use provide some clues?, 2011, Erbout N., Virgilio M., Lens L., Barr N., De Meyer M., Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 60, 259 – 264

Taxonomy alive and kicking: or how taxonomy can help debunking creationist thinking, 2011, Backeljau T., Jordaens K., Martins A.M. de Frias, Açoreana Suplemento, 7, 241 – 291

Conservation of genetic resources of fish culture [Hungarian, with English summary], 2011, Jeney Z., Váradi L., Lehoczky I., Bakos J., Nagy Z.T., Bercsényi M., Állattenyésztés és Takarmányozás, 60, 233 – 245

Foraging acrobatics of Toxicodryas blandingii in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, 2011, Nagy Z.T., Kusamba C., Tungaluna G.C.Gembu, Lokasola L., Kolby J., Kielgast J., Entomologica Romanica, 15, 11 – 16

Limited Edge Effects Along a Burned-Unburned Bornean Forest Boundary Seven Years after Disturbance, 2011, Slik J.W.Ferry, Van Beek M., Bernard C., Bongers F., Breman F.C., Cannon C.H., Sidiyasa K., Biotropica, 43, 288 – 298


Effects of body size on courtship role, mating frequency and sperm transfer in the land snail Succinea putris, 2010, Dillen L., Jordaens K., van Dongen S., Backeljau T., Animal Behaviour, 79, 1125 – 1133

Fifteen microsatellite loci for the decollate snail, Rumina decollata, 2010, Lance S.L., Jones K.L., Hagen C., Jordaens K., Backeljau T., Prévot V., Conservation Genetics Resources, 2, 287-289

A rhapsody of colours from Madagascar: discovery of a remarkable new snake of the genus Liophidium and its phylogenetic relationships, 2010, Vieites D.R., Ratsoavina F.M., Randrianiaina R.D., Nagy Z.T., Glaw F., Vences M., Salamandra, 46, 1 – 10

Exploring the Use of Cytochrome Oxidase c Subunit 1 (COI) for DNA Barcoding of Free-Living Marine Nematodes, 2010, Derycke S., Vanaverbeke J., Rigaux A., Backeljau T., Moens T., PLoS ONE, 5, e13716

Influence of flooding and metal immobilising soil amendments on availability of metals for willows and earthworms in calcareous dredged sediment-derived soils, 2010, Vandecasteele B., Laing G.Du, Lettens S., Jordaens K., Tack F.M.G., Environmental Pollution, 158, 2181 – 2188

High molecular diversity in the rhodopsin gene in closely related goby fishes: A role for visual pigments in adaptive speciation?, 2010, Larmuseau M.H.D., Huyse T., Vancampenhout K., Van Houdt J.K.J., Volckaert F.A.M., Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 55, 689 – 698

Relict populations and endemic clades in Palearctic reptiles: Evolutionary history and implications for conservation, 2010, Joger U., Fritz U., Guicking D., Kalyabina-Hauf S., Nagy Z.T., Wink M., Habel J.C., Assmann T., Les reptiles du Gabon, 149 – 152

Macrogeographic population structuring in the cosmopolitan agricultural pest Bactrocera cucurbitae (Diptera: Tephritidae), 2010, Virgilio M., DELATTE H., Backeljau T., De Meyer M., Molecular Ecology, 19, 2713 – 2724

Jelentősebb hazai vadpontyfajtáink genetikai változatosságának fenntartása a HAKI ex situ génbankjának, valamint a faj természetes vizeinkben élő populációinak segítségével. [Maintenance of the genetic variability of the most important Hungarian wild carp, 2010, Lehoczky I., Nagy Z.T., Bakos J., Jeney Z., Halászat, 103, 104 – 109

DNA barcoding of museum specimens of Lymantriidae preserved in the Royal Museum for Central Africa, 2010, Nagy Z.T., Breman F.C., Asta U.Dall, Entomologica romanica, 15, 11-16

Des essais de code-barres ADN sur les mouches africaines des fruits. La lutte régionale contre les mouches des fruits en Afrique subsaharienne [also in English version], 2010, DE MEYER M., COLEACP Lettre d’information, 2, 2


Genetic divergence among sympatric colour morphs of the Dalmatian wall lizard (Podarcis melisellensis), 2010, Huyghe K., Small M., Vanhooydonck B., Herrel A., Tadic Z., Van Damme R., Backeljau T., Genetica, 138, 387 – 393

Phylogeography of the Caspian whipsnake in Europe with emphasis on the westernmost populations, 2010, Nagy Z.T., Bellaagh M., Wink M., Paunovic A., Korsós Z., Amphibia-Reptilia, 31, 455 – 461

Incongruence between molecular phylogeny and morphological classification in amphipod crustaceans: A case study of Antarctic lysianassoids, 2010, Havermans C., Nagy Z.T., Sonet G., De Broyer C., Martin P., Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 55, 202 – 209

Did historical events shape current geographic variation in morph frequencies of a polymorphic damselfly?, 2010, Iserbyt A., Bots J., Van Gossum H., Jordaens K., Journal of Zoology, 282, 256 – 265

Systematics of the snake genera Stenophis and Lycodryas from Madagascar and the Comoros, 2010, Nagy Z.T., Glaw F., Vences M., Zoologica Scripta, 39, 426 – 435

Molecular genetic structure and relationship of Chinese and Hungarian common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) strains based on mitochondrial sequence, 2010, Wang C., Li S., Nagy Z.Tamás, Lehoczky I., Huang L., Zhao Y., Song X., Jeney Z., Aquaculture Research, 41, 1339 – 1347

Comparative performances of DNA barcoding across insect orders, 2010, Virgilio M., Backeljau T., Nevado B., De Meyer M., BMC Bioinformatics, 11, 206

Recovering full DNA barcodes from natural history collections of Tephritid fruitflies (Tephritidae, Diptera) using mini barcodes, 2010, VAN HOUDT J.K.J., BREMAN F.C., VIRGILIO M., DE MEYER M., Molecular Ecology Resources, 10, 459 – 465

Preliminary molecular systematics of the African Goshawk Accipiter tachiro (Daudin, 1800), 2010, Breman F.C., Jordaens K., Sonet G., Van Houdt J.K.J., Nagy Z.T., Louette M., Açoreana Suplemento, 7, 241 – 291

Towards a revision of the Neotropical soldierless termites (Isoptera : Termitidae): redescription of the genus Anoplotermes and description of Longustitermes, gen. nov., 2010, Bourguignon T., Scheffrahn R.H., Křeček J., Nagy Z.T., Sonet G., Roisin Y., Invertebrate Systematics, 24, 357 – 370

A hands-on overview of tissue preservation methods for molecular genetic analyses, 2010, Nagy Z.Tamás, Organisms Diversity & Evolution, 10, 91 – 105

Arion transsylvanus (Mollusca, Pulmonata, Arionidae): rediscovery of a cryptic species, 2010, Jordaens K., Pinceel J., Van Houtte N., Breugelmans K., Backeljau T., Zoologica Scripta, 39, 343 – 362

A molecular diagnostic for identifying central African forest artiodactyls from faecal pellets, 2010, Ntie S., Johnston A.R., Mickala P., Bowkett A.E., van Vuuren J., Colyn M., Telfer P., Maisels F., Hymas O., Rouyer R.L., Wallace R.A., LeBlanc K., van Vliet N., Sonet G., Verheyen E., Pires D., Wickings E.J., Lahm S.A., Anthony N.M., Animal Conservation, 13, 80 – 93

Fire as a selective force in a Bornean tropical everwet forest, 2010, Slik J.W.Ferry, Breman F.C., Bernard C., Van Beek M., Cannon C.H., Eichhorn K.A.O., Sidiyasa K., Oecologia, 164, 841 – 849

Discovery of a new duiker species (Bovidae: Cephalophinae) from the Dahomey Gap, West Africa, 2010, Colyn M., Hulselmans J., Sonet G., Oudé P., De Winter J., Natta A., Nagy Z.T., Verheyen E., Zootaxa, 2637, 1–30

Fecundity in the hermaphroditic land snail Succinea putris (Pulmonata: Succineidae): does body size matter?, 2010, Dillen L., Jordaens K., De Bruyn L., Backeljau T., Journal of Molluscan Studies, 76, 376 – 383

Do birds from the Democratic Republic of Congo present in museum collections contain useful genetic information?, 2010, Sonet G., Breman F.C., Jordaens K., Lenglet G., Louette M., Montanes G., Nagy Z.T., Van Houdt J.K.J., Verheyen E., Entomologica Romanica, 15, 11 – 16


Life-history variation and breeding system in the hermaphroditic land snail Succinea putris (Pulmonata: Succineidae), 2009, Dillen L., Jordaens K., Backeljau T., Journal of Molluscan Studies, 75, 311 – 313

A new black-bellied snake (Pseudoxyrhophiinae: Liophidium) from western Madagascar, with notes on the genus Pararhadinaea, 2009, Franzen M., Jones J., Raselimanana A.P., Nagy Z.T., D’Cruze N., Glaw F., Vences M., Amphibia-Reptilia, 30, 173 – 183

Matrilinear phylogeography and demographical patterns of Rutilus rutilus : implications for taxonomy and conservation, 2009, Larmuseau M.H.D., Freyhof J., Volckaert F.A.M., VAN HOUDT J.K.J., Journal of Fish Biology, 75, 332 – 353

Sperm transfer, sperm storage, and sperm digestion in the hermaphroditic land snail Succinea putris (Gastropoda, Pulmonata), 2009, Dillen L., Jordaens K., Backeljau T., Invertebrate Biology, 128, 97 – 106

Phylogenetic relationships of a new species of pseudoxyrhophiine snake (Reptilia: Lamprophiidae: Thamnosophis) suggest a biogeographical link between western and northern Madagascar, 2009, Glaw F., Nagy Z.T., Köhler J., Franzen M., Vences M., Organisms Diversity & Evolution, 9, 13 – 22

Species identification in the trematomid family using nuclear genetic markers, 2009, Van De Putte A.Pieter, VAN HOUDT J.K.J., Maes G.E., Janko K., Koubbi P., Rock J., Volckaert F.A.M., Polar Biology, 32, 1731 – 1741

To see in different seas: spatial variation in the rhodopsin gene of the sand goby (Pomatoschistus minutus), 2009, Larmuseau M.H.D., Raeymaekers J.A.M., Ruddick K.G., Van Houdt J., Volckaert F.A.M., Molecular Ecology, 18, 4227 – 4239

Distributional and demographic consequences of Pleistocene climate fluctuations for a marine demersal fish in the north-eastern Atlantic, 2009, Larmuseau M.H.D., Van Houdt J.K.J., Guelinckx J., Hellemans B., Volckaert F.A.M., Journal of Biogeography, 36, 1138 – 1151

Characterization of polymorphic microsatellite markers in the Dalmatian wall lizard Podarcis melisellensis (Squamata: Lacertidae), 2009, Huyghe K., Breugelmans K., Small M., Tadic Z., Van Damme R., Vanhooydonck B., Backeljau T., Molecular Ecology Resources, 9, 299 – 301

African Dacus (Diptera: Tephritidae: Molecular data and host plant associations do not corroborate morphology based classifications, 2009, VIRGILIO M., DE MEYER M., White I.M., Backeljau T., Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 51, 531 – 539

Isolation and characterization of polymorphic microsatellite loci for the dace complex: Leuciscus leuciscus (Teleostei: Cyprinidae), 2009, DUBUT V.I.N.C.E.N.T., MARTIN J.E.A.N.F.R.A.N.Ç.O.I.S., GILLES A.N.D.R.É., Van Houdt J., CHAPPAZ R.É.M.I., COSTEDOAT C.A.R.O.L.I.N.E., Molecular Ecology Resources, 9, 1179 – 1183

Phylogenetic relationships of African green snakes (genera Philothamnus and Hapsidophrys) from São Tomé, Príncipe and Annobon islands based on mtDNA sequences and comments on their colonization and taxonomy, 2009, Jesus J., Nagy Z.T., Branch W., Wink M., Brehm A., Harris J., Herpetological Journal, 19, 41 – 48

Development and characterization of eight polymorphic microsatellite markers for Daphnia atkinsoni (Crustacea: Ctenodaphnia), 2009, Ortells J., Van Houdt J.K.J., Geldof S., De Meester L., Mergeay J., Molecular Ecology Resources, 9, 326 – 329

Shell shape and mating behaviour in pulmonate gastropods (Mollusca), 2009, Jordaens K., Dillen L., Backeljau T., Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 96, 306 – 321

Isolation and characterization of expressed sequence tag-linked microsatellite loci for the European eel ( Anguilla anguilla ), 2009, Pujolar J.M., Maes G.E., Van Houdt J.K.J., ZANE L., Molecular Ecology Resources, 9, 233 – 235

Speciation on the Azores islands: congruent patterns in shell morphology, genital anatomy, and molecular markers in endemic land snails (Gastropoda, Leptaxinae), 2009, Jordaens K., Van Riel P., Frias_Martins A.M., Backeljau T., Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 97, 166 – 176

Defense by Volatiles in Leaf-Mining Insect Larvae, 2009, Boevé J.L., Sonet G., Nagy Z.T., Symoens F., Altenhofer E., Häberlein C., Schulz S., Journal of Chemical Ecology, 35, 507 – 517

Rediscovery of the snake genus Eirenis on Cyprus (Reptilia: Colubridae), 2009, Schmidtler J.F., Göçmen B., Yildiz M.Z., Akman B., Yalçinkaya D., Nagy Z.T., Entomologica Romanica, 15, 11 – 16

Response of snails and slugs to fragmentation of lowland forests in NW Germany, 2009, Kappes H., Jordaens K., Hendrickx F., Maelfait J.P., Lens L., Backeljau T., Landscape Ecology, 24, 685 – 697


La super-famille des Caenophidia – Un aperçu de la systématique des Caenophidia d’Afrique, 2008, Nagy Z.T., Vidal N., Pauwels O.S.G., Weghe J.P.Vande, Les reptiles du Gabon, 149 – 152

Molecular evaluation of nominal species in the Ceratitis fasciventris, C. anonae, C. rosa complex (Diptera: Tephritidae), 2008, VIRGILIO M., Backeljau T., Barr N., De Meyer M., Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 48, 270 – 280

Dissecting the major African snake radiation: a molecular phylogeny of the Lamprophiidae Fitzinger (Serpentes, Caenophidia), 2008, Vidal N., Branch W.R., Pauwels O.S.G., Hedges S.B., Broadley D.G., Wink M., Cruaud C., Joger U., Nagy Z.T., Zootaxa, 1945, 51 – 66

Phylogeography and phylogenetic relationships of Malagasy tree and ground boas, 2008, Orozco-Terwengel P., Nagy Z.T., Vieites D., Vences M., Louis_JR E., Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 95, 640 – 652

Az Aeromonas hydrophila fertőzéssel szembeni ellenálló-képesség vizsgálata különböző genetikai hátterű pontyvariánsokon (előzetes eredmények) [Hungarian, with English summary], 2008, Ardó L., Bakos J., Nagy Z.T., Rónyai A., Gál D., Bercsényi M., Gjerde B., Olesen I., Jeney G., Jeney Z., Bonner Zoologische Monographien, 57, 117 – 131

Morphological and anatomical differentiation of three land snails of the genus Rhynchotrochus (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Camaenidae), 2008, Jordaens K., Bruyndoncx L., Van Goethem J., Backeljau T., Journal of Molluscan Studies, 75, 1 – 8

Wood density as a conservation tool: quantification of disturbance and identification of conservation-priority areas in tropical forests, 2008, Slik J.W.Ferry, Bernard C.S., Breman F.C., Van Beek M., Salim A., Sheil D., Conservation Biology, 22, 1299 – 1308

Tree diversity, composition, forest structure and aboveground biomass dynamics after single and repeated fire in a Bornean rain forest, 2008, Slik J.W.Ferry, Bernard C.S., van_Beek M., Breman F.C., Eichhorn K.A.O., Oecologia, 158, 579 – 588


Phylogenetic relationships and classification of the Malagasy pseudoxyrhophiine snake genera Geodipsas and Compsophis based on morphological and molecular data, 2007, Glaw F., Nagy Z.T., Vences M., Zootaxa, 1517, 53 – 62

Molecular phylogeny and systematics of the pseudoxyrhophiine snake genus Liopholidophis (Reptilia, Colubridae): evolution of its exceptional sexual dimorphism and descriptions of new taxa, 2007, Glaw F., Nagy Z.T., Franzen M., Vences M., Zoologica Scripta, 36, 291 – 300

Species boundaries in Malagasy snakes of the genus Madagascarophis (Serpentes: Colubridae sensu lato) assessed by nuclear and mitochondrial markers, 2007, Nagy Z.Tamás, Glaw F., Andreone F., Wink M., Vences M., Organisms Diversity & Evolution, 7, 241 – 251

Phylogeography of western Palaearctic reptiles – Spatial and temporal speciation patterns, 2007, Joger U., Fritz U., Guicking D., Kalyabina-Hauf S., Nagy Z.T., Wink M., Zoologischer Anzeiger – A Journal of Comparative Zoology, 246, 293 – 313