Acronym: TAS_Halictus
Collaborators: Gontran Sonet (JEMU-RBINS), Massimiliano Virgilio (JEMU-RMCA), Nathalie Smitz (JEMU-RMCA), Alain Pauly (RBINS), Jean-Luc Boevé (RBINS), Jelle Devalez (University of the Aegean, Department of Geography, Mytilene, Lesvos, Greece)
Year: 2014
Summary: Pilot project to develop a scalable multi-locus dataset for the phylogeny of bees of the genus Halictus.
- Peer-reviewed paper: Using next-generation sequencing to improve DNA barcoding: lessons from a small-scale study of wild bee species (Hymenoptera, Halictidae). Sonet G, Pauly A, Nagy ZT, Virgilio M, Jordaens K, Van Houdt J, Worms S, De Meyer M, Backeljau T (2018). Apidologie, 49, 671 – 685.
- Oral presentation in a conference: High-throughput sequencing of PCR amplicons: a test to barcode a bee species-complex (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Halictidae) and survey Wolbachia infections. Sonet, G., Pauly, A., Smitz, N., Virgilio, M., Nagy, Z.T., Jordaens, K., Molle, S., Backeljau, T. & De Meyer, M. 2015. Scientific abstracts from the 6th International Barcode of Life Conference. Genome, 58(5): 283.