DNA barcoding of Lake Tanganyika cichlids.

Acronym: DBCLTC

Collaborators: Carl Vangestel (JEMU-RBINS), Gontran Sonet (JEMU-RBINS), Massimiliano Virgilio (JEMU-RMCA), Jos Snoeks (RMCA)

Year: 2010

Summary: Cichlid fishes are much studied, but despite this the taxonomy remains unstable and many species await description. Hybridisation and incomplete lineage sorting are expected to affect the succes rate of DNA barcoding with mt-genes. The project aims at establishing a DNA barcoding database for the cichlid fauna of Lake Tanganyika (LT). DNA barcodes will be analysed to establish if DNA barcoding is a usefull tool for identifying LT cichlid fishes.


  • Peer-reviewed paper: Testing the potential of DNA barcoding in vertebrate radiations: the case of the littoral cichlids (Pisces, Perciformes, Cichlidae) from Lake Tanganyika. Breman FC, Loix S, Jordaens K, Snoeks J, Van Steenberge M, 2016. Molecular Ecology Resources, 16, 1455–1464. doi:10.1111/1755-0998.12523.