
Sequencing technologies have advanced tremendously during the last decades and have now provided opportunities to collect huge amounts of DNA data from a variety of organisms, from recent samples up to historical and even ancient ones. By applying and optimizing a large array of different DNA technologies JEMU aims to support scientific molecular research in RBINS and RMCA. The (non-exhaustive) list below illustrates some of the most frequently applied molecular tools in our labs.

Reduced representation sequencing (RRS)
for population genomics, species delimitation

Paleogenomics, paleometagenomics
for ancient population genomics, screening of paleopathologies

Targeted amplicon sequencing (TAS)
for species identification, DNA barcoding

Genome skimming and mitogenomics
for molecular systematics and evolutionary histories of organisms

Whole genome sequencing (WGS)
for phylogenomics, evolutionary genomics

RNA-sequencing (RNA-Seq)
for functional genomics, phylogenomics

DNA Metabarcoding
for microbiomics, environmental DNA barcoding