Workshops & Conferences

Below are a list of the latest workshops and conferences members of JEMU attended.


“Multivariate data analysis with R and vegan”, organized by Physalia, 24-28 April 2023, Carl Vangestel.
“Databanking DNA collection”, workshop of the DiSSCo Flanders DNA collection working group, 28 October 2022, Gontran Sonet.
“Biodiversity Biobank day”, workshop of the DiSSCo Flanders DNA collection working group, 22 June 2022, Antwerp, Gontran Sonet.
“Optimising DNA collection management: How can standard operating procedures (SOPs), workshop of the DiSSCo Flanders DNA collection working group, 24 February 2022, Gontran Sonet.
“Ecological and evolutionary studies on DNA methylation in plants and animals: How to analyse DNA methylation patterns using bisulfite sequencing (BS-seq) and single-molecule Oxford Nanopore sequencing”, organized by Physalia, 15-18 November 2021, Berlin, Germany, Carl Vangestel.
– “Introduction to Palaeogenomics – concepts, methods and applications of ancient human and non-human DNA data“, organized by Transmitting Science, 17-21 May 2021, Carl Vangestel and Gontran Sonet.
“SeqStudio Operation training”, training on the operation of the new DNA capillary sequencer of the laboratory of molecular systematics of the RBINS provided by Dr. Nicolas Dauchot, field Application Scientist of Life Sciences Solutions (ThermoFisher Scientific), 12 January 2021, RBINS, Brussels, Belgium, Gontran Sonet.
“Introduction to Deep Learning for biologists”, organized by Physalia, 28 September-1 October 2020, Carl Vangestel.
“qPCR training”, 22 January 2019, RBINS, Brussels, Belgium, Gontran Sonet, Carl Vangestel.
“DSI-Info Day, How will digital sequence information (DSI) be addressed under the Convention on biological diversity?”, organized by ANB (Flanders Agency Nature & Forests), the Belgian Biodiversity Platform, EWI (Flanders Department Economy, Science and Innovation), RBINS (Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences) and VLIR (Vlaamse Interuniversitaire Raad), 09 May 2019, Brussels, Belgium, Gontran Sonet.
“Phylogenomics”, organized by Physalia, 20-24 May 2019, Berlin, Germany, Carl Vangestel.


– “Symposium of Tephritid Workers of Asia, Australia, and Oceania (TAAO)“, poster presentation, ‘A whole genome-based phylogeny to investigate the evolution of host-plant preferences in Afrotropical Dacus (Tephritidae)‘, 6 -10 May 2024, Beijing, China, Massimiliano Virgilio & Lore Esselens.
– “Symposium of Tephritid Workers of Asia, Australia, and Oceania (TAAO)“, oral presentation, ‘Afrotropical Dacus: Integrative phylogenomic input for a much-needed taxonomic revision‘, 6 -10 May 2024, Beijing, China, Massimiliano Virgilio & Lore Esselens.
– “Annual congress of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution (SMBE2023)“, poster presentation, ‘Using ancient DNA to identify Bos primigenius in ancient cattle remains from Belgium’, 23-27 July 2023, Ferrara, Italy, Sonet G, Backeljau T, Ervynck A, Germonpré M, Goffette Q, Vangestel C & De Cupere B. Book of contributed posters – the abstracts, 234-235.
– “Island Biology:  Ecological and evolutionary processes on real and habitat islands“, oral presentation, ‘Progressive spread of an ancient inversion polymorphism blends the role of within-island evolution and inter-island colonization along a parallel Galápagos beetle radiation’, 3-7 July 2023, Lipari, Italy, Carl Vangestel.
– “International Symposium on Fruit Flies of Economic Importance (ISFFEI)“, poster presentation, ‘Linking genomes to Museum vouchers: an open-access database for African “true” fruit flies (Diptera, Tephritidae)‘, 13-18 November 2022, Sydney, Australia, Lore Esselens.
– “International Symposium on Fruit Flies of Economic Importance (ISFFEI)“, poster presentation, ‘Genomic characterisation of the population structure of Ceratitis rosa and C. quilicii (Diptera, Tephritidae) in southern Africa‘, 13-18 November 2022, Sydney, Australia, Lore Esselens.
– “Island Biology: Island Evolution, Ecology and Conservation“, oral presentation, ‘The role of allele sorting in a parallel speciation gradient of Calosoma beetles in the Galápagos archipelago’, 18-22 July 2016, Terceira, Azores, Portugal, Carl Vangestel.