SYNTHESYS+: Synthesis of Systematic Resources

Acronym: SYNTHESIS+:

Collaborators: Carl Vangestel (JEMU-RBINS – partner), Gontran Sonet (JEMU-RBINS – partner), Massimilliano Virgilio (JEMU-RMCA – partner), 32 EU partners

Funding: Horizon2020

Duration: 2019-2023

Summary: JEMU contributes to SYNTHESYS+, a European project aiming at creating a European integrated infrastructure for natural history collections. In this project, JEMU is involved in the Work package 7, joint research activity 2: “Collections on Demand” with the objective of developping cost-effective protocols for DNA sequencing from preserved historical specimens in Natural History collections. This work builds on a previous review of the current state of the field for sequencing preserved natural history collections undertaken during SYNTHESYS+. The outstanding research challenge is optimisation of protocols and workflows while also making them routine, cost-effective and scalable. Effective and efficient protocols will be developed to overcome the degradation and low concentrations of DNA recovered in many museum specimens. New developments in sequencing platforms and technologies as well as recent progress in molecular biology protocols will be tested and deployed to boost accessibility of the genetic and genomic data of preserved collections.
